Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stock Market Has Best Month Since 1997

The stock market in the United States enjoyed an incredible December with the best performance since 1997.  Which by the way also featured a Democrat in the White House.

We can now permanently do away with the "Republicans are good for business" myth.  With Herbert Hoover's epic stock market crash of 1929, I'm beginning to wonder if they were ever truly good for business or if it was always a lie.

Romney Clubs Gingrich in Florida

With 50% of the vote counted in Florida, Mitt Romney leads Newt Gingrich 48 to 31% with Rick Santorum getting the other 17%.

If Romney gets the nomination, 98% of Americans in the General Election for President will be voting for a Pro Choice candidate (independents usually get 1-2% of the vote).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Romney Holds Big Lead in Florida

One day before the important winner-take-all Florida primary, former Massachusetts governor and rich guy Mitt Romney leads the former Speaker of the House from eons ago, Newt Gingrich in all polls.

Looks like the GOP is going with Romney, the Pro Choice candidate.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gingrich Shocks Romney in South Carolina

Can't believe the Republicans are choosing Gingrich over Romney.  They had a great candidate and are now running away from him.  Guess they're OK with Obama winning re-election.

Jan 21, 2012 (100% of precincts reporting)
Newt Gingrich243,15340.4%
Mitt Romney167,27927.8%
Rick Santorum102,05517%
Ron Paul77,99313%

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Media Calls in Iowa Were Wrong

Not so fast, my friend.

Apparently, all of the late votes in Iowa went to Rick Santorum, and all the media calls giving it to Mitt Romney were false.  Santorum, it turns out, was the winner by 34 votes in that state.

Meanwhile, Texas governor Rick Perry, the flavor of the month not too many flavors ago, has dropped out of the race.  He pretty much had to do this because he has to run for re-election in Texas and had he stayed in much longer, he would have been embarrassed and it would have been hard to explain that away to his home state.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Delegate Allocation for Republican Presidential Hopefuls

After two states:

Mitt Romney (20)
Rick Santorum (12)
Ron Paul (3)
Jon Huntsman (2)

Romney Wins New Hampshire

For some reason, New Hampshire still hasn't counted all of their votes.  It's not like they have 50 million votes, but 5% of the precincts are not done yet.

In any case, Mitt Romney, whose time of leading people is in the past, has won the state.

Romney has 40% of the vote, outdistancing kooky Ron Paul who has 23%.  Jon Huntsman, the rich tycoon who I'm sure understands the problems of the rest of us, garnered 17%.  Newt Gingrich, who was last in the House when President Clinton was in office, had 10% while Rick Santorum, who finished second in Iowa, fell all the way to 9%.  Rick Perry, who from Texas hopes to follow in Bush Light's tradition of advancing from that state and who once was the darling, managed just 1%.

So, for now at least, it appears abortion rights activists are turning the tide.  They have now convinced Republicans that abortion is a woman's right to choose.  That would be a major victory and would about end that argument.  Romney of course supports abortion rights and if Republicans nominate him for president, that would essentially say that 80% of the country now believes in the right to choose.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Updated New Hampshire Republican Primary Results

19% reporting in New Hampshire.  CNN has projecte Romney the winner.

1.  Mitt Romney (36%)
2.  Ron Paul (25%)
3.  Jon Huntsman (17%)
4.  Newt Gingrich (11%)
5.  Rick Santorum (10%)
6.  Rick Perry (1%)

Early Results in New Hampshire 2011 Republican Primary

Republicans are holding a primary in New Hampshire.  Early results with 11% of the precincts reporting are:

1.  Mitt Romney (36%)
2.  Ron Paul (25%)
3.  Jon Huntsman (17%)
4.  Newt Gingrich (11%)
5.  Rick Santorum (10%)
6.  Rick Perry (1%)

Friday, January 6, 2012

United States Adds 200,000 Jobs

Wow!  Nothing like Christmas to get the economy stimulated...The Labor Department reported that 200,000 jobs were added last month, bringing the unemployment rate falling like a rock to 8.5%.  It wasn't that long ago that everyone was saying the rate would go to 10%.  Man were they wrong.  A couple more months like December and we'll be lower than we were four years ago.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Romney the choice in Iowa (barely)

Well, the vote is in for the Iowa caucuses.  After going deep into the night, Mitt Romney won by eight votes in the Republican race over popular conservative Rick Santorum.  Ron Paul was a strong third with 21%, followed by once-favorite Newt Gingrich (the intellectual choice), Texas governor Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann and Jon Huntsman.

This is historic because, even though it was only by just those eight votes, a Republican that voted for abortion has won the nation's first contest.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Iowa Caucuses Tonight

In nearly every other year, the Republicans choose a clear favorite right from the start.  Quite different this year, when first Palin, then Romney, then Perry, then Cain, then Gingrich and now back to Romney in the front-runner position.  Looks like a dogfight and it's going to get ugly.